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Sunday, December 7, 2014

Fantasy Football Mania, or "Ignorance is Bliss?"

My graphic designer is in a Fantasy Football league. I will admit that after 16 years in the awards industry, making all manner of Fantasy trophies during that time, I have never been part of a Fantasy football group. So when Kaity started talking about her Fantasy draft, or one of her players being injured, or one of her players had a bad weekend, my curiosity was peaked. I still don't know much, but I will be figuring it out!

In the meantime, my company, 5Star Awards, Inc., is absolutely ready to help create your master Fantasy Football "Super Bowl" Trophy! For starters, check out our new video!!

And a great starting place to start imagining those Fantasy Football trophies is our website, of course, where we have a whole page of options to get those wheels turning. 

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